Salem Youth Group News!

Hello!  We will be continuing our Sunday Morning Youth Gatherings between services from 9:15-10:15. Please join us and feel free to bring a snack to share. Youth Group is open to anyone 7th grade and older.

September Events... 

Get your walking shoes!

Join us for 5 o'clock church on SATURDAY SEPT. 29, we will then hike across the new Stillwater Bridge! We will learn some interesting facts and also see how a "bridge" can be connected to our faith life. We will finish out the night with some fabulous ice cream treats! We may need a parent volunteer or 2 to transport youth over to the bridge, let us know if you can help.

October Events...

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20      Hayride and Bonfire at the Manning Property

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31  Reverse Trick or Treating (Benefiting our local food pantry)

Watch for future Church Casts with details on these events. Parent volunteers are welcomed (and encouraged) for both of these. Please contact your Youth Leaders if you have any questions or would be able to volunteer

Nate Goplen  715-245-0303 Call: 715-245-0303

Shelley Richard  651-491-5508 Call: 651-491-5508

We are also working on updating our contact list. If you find you are not getting our communications PLEASE let us know. We would need phone# and email of parents and students if possible.

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