Chess and Kamera Kids

Hello Salem Families,

This is an update on clubs for the upcoming school year. Chess club and Kamera Kids will be starting in October.

Chess club will be on October 8th and Kamera Kids will be on October 15th.

Chess club starts at 7:30am and goes until 8:30am.

Kamera Kids starts at 7:45am and goes until 8:30am. Chess club will typically be the 2nd Friday of every month unless there is a conflict for the teachers.

Kamera Kids will typically be the 3rd Friday of every month unless there is a conflict for Mrs. H.

In the event of a club changing their schedule, you will receive an email from the teacher of the club.

Students in the clubs should enter through the doors near the cafeteria (the doors for before and after care). The students can take their temperature there and then proceed to Mr. Klatt's classroom for chess club or to Mrs. H's classroom for Kamera Kids.

If you have any questions about either of these clubs, please contact Mr. Klatt ( for Chess Club or Mrs. H ( for Kamera Kids.

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