Salem Outreach at Harvest Fest Oct. 13 & 14

Salem Outreach Opportunity

Salem will be hosting the children's games at the Stillwater Harvest Fest October 13-14, from 10-6 both days.  We would like to have 2-3 people at each time slot to control the games and have the opportunity to share about Salem's ministry.  They provide all the games and candy, all we have to do is keep the games supervised and have a face in the community.  We will have 2-hour time slots so you will have plenty of time to explore the event yourself as well, plus Salem gets a stipend for volunteering to host this event.  Sign up in the church narthex on the weekend and school office during the week.  Thanks in advance!

Also -
Thank you to all who helped give school supplies for the beginning of the school year.  It helped us get off to a great start!

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