October School News

October School News

Tuition Assistance

The last two Sundays in September were fundraising Sundays for our Tuition Assistance account for Salem Lutheran School. This fund helps families who cannot afford the tuition for various reasons. With the money we received last year, we were able to help 15 families send their children to Salem. If you would like to give to the tuition assistance fund, you can give your donations to either Debbie Swanson or Diane Light. Thanks for all of your help and support of your school.

Scholarship Endowment Fund

Last voter’s meeting, the congregation approved the start of a Scholarship Endowment Fund for tuition assistance. This fund will work hand in hand with the current fund to help families with tuition needs who want to send their kids to Salem. We are not getting rid of the current Tuition Assistance Fund at school but will need both as the endowment fund will take some time to grow.

The School Board is working on a grant that we can use to start the endowment fund with a good amount of seed money. We are working on being accepted by the Antioch Foundation for a grant that will match up to $40,000 given to this endowment fund. This will help us to get the fund up and running faster.

The goal is to give donors two options when they donate to tuition assistance. They can give to the Tuition Assistance Fund to help families right now once, or they can give to the endowment fund and their money will be used to help many kids for many generations. Like I stated above, we still need both funds and are not getting rid of the previous fund. It just helps to have a specific amount every year that we know we will have to help families with tuition needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to talk to anyone on the School Board or to Mr. Klatt.

Trout in the Classroom Fundraiser/ Salem Parent Social Opportunity

Townie Tuesdays is hosting an event at Lift Bridge Brewery to help support Trout in the Classroom from the local Trout Unlimited chapter. Salem used this learning event for Science in the upper grades and found it valuable to the students as well as the environment. Salem will be providing food for the event with all proceeds helping our Tuition Assistance Fund. Trout Unlimited will receive $1 for every pint sold on October 2, from 5-8 p.m. There will also be some silent auction items available to bid on as well as hands-on fly casting where you can learn from the experts. This is an event mostly for adults, but there is root beer available for those who are underage or do not like the adult beverages at the brewery. We are hoping we have a great turn-out as well! Join us for a fun evening.


Basketball is right around the corner. Practices will be beginning in October after MEA weekend. Please look for practice and game schedules on our Salem website.


The students will begin the first round of MAP testing this school year the first couple weeks of October. This is our standardized testing that lets us know how the students rank nationally throughout the United States and in the in the WELS district.

Walk for Diabetes

The students will be doing a walk for diabetes at the beginning of November. They will be raising money for the physical activity their teacher will be having them do on November 2nd. We are hoping to raise awareness and help the students understand how diabetes affects the body. Thea Kogler will come in and give a presentation on diabetes and what it does to the body. Her daughter is in our 3rd-grade class and has diabetes, which gives the children a good reason to raise money for this cause.

Salem Outreach Opportunity 

Salem will be hosting the children's games at the Stillwater Harvest Fest October 13-14, from 10-6 both days.  We would like to have 2-3 people at each time slot to control the games and have the opportunity to share about Salem's ministry.  They provide all the games and candy, all we have to do is keep the games under supervision and have a face in the community.  We will have 2-hour time slots so you will have plenty of time to explore the event yourself as well, plus Salem gets a stipend for volunteering to host this event.  Sign up in the church narthex on the weekend and school office during the week.  Thanks in advance.

Thank you to all who helped give school supplies for the beginning of the school year.  It helped us get off to a great start.

Upcoming Events

    SCRIP Orders Oct. 8th  & 22nd
  • Monday, October 1      - K - 4 Field Trip to William O'Brien State Park
  • Wednesday, October 3 - Preschool Field Trip at Crayola Experience
  • Thursday, October 4   - Grade 5-8 Field trip to Fort Snelling and Como Zoo
  • Tuesday, October 9     - 7:00 pm School Board Meeting
  • Saturday, October 13 and 14 - Harvest Fest, Downtown Stillwater
  • Monday - Wednesday, October 15th-17th - No Bus Days
  • October 18th and 19th - No School, Teachers’ Conference
  • Week of October 22nd - Basketball Practice Starts
  • Thursday, October 25  - Picture Retake Day & SPTO Meeting @ 6:30 pm
  • Saturday, October 27   - Public Speaking Festival @ St. Croix Lutheran Academy
  • Sunday, October 28      - Jubilate sings @ 10:30 am service

Ways to Help Our School

We are still collecting Boxtops for Education, aluminum cans and ink cartridges. Please remember to check the date on the Boxtops for Education as they do expire. These, as well as the ink cartridges, can be placed in the bin at the school door entrance. Aluminum cans can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property.

SCRIP Orders

We are enhancing our current SCRIP program to allow you to order your SCRIP on your own if you choose.  We will still do regular orders on the 2nd & 4th Monday mornings, but, now you have the option to place your own order online.  The other change will be a flat 5% fee for shipping on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders.  For example, if you earn $5.00 from your order, Salem will keep $.25 to cover any costs. We are also offering to apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition.  We are also adding an option to direct your profits to church.  We are excited about the changes and hope you are as well.  Contact any SPTO member or the church office for more information.


One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings on our school year.

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