Encourage Future Ministry Leaders

Encourage Future Ministry Leaders
Salem Lutheran families are deeply grateful for pastors who preach the Gospel, preschool staff who reflect Christ to the Stillwater community, and instructors who nurture young people in our Lord’s truth. The  Sundays of April 15, 22 and 29 have been set aside as times to prayerfully reflect on and encourage those preparing for the full-time ministry through Martin Luther College (MLC). MLC will match up to $3,000 given by Salem members to support each Salem member preparing for ministry. These gifts will also support our high school and Seminary students who plan to prepare for full-time ministry.  Please pray for Salem’s young people preparing to serve the Lord in this way and consider an additional donation for “Salem Scholarship Fund” via the special envelopes or www.SalemLutheran.org/Donate select “other” and “MLC.”

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