Jubilate Choir

Welcome to Jubilate Choir, my name is Amy Gosch and I am very excited to be leading this group.  We are up and running and have had 2 rehearsals already.  15 students are participating so far and there is still room to join if you like praising your Savior through song.  We are scheduled to sing the following dates:
September 28th 9:30 AM for Grandparents day
October 28th 10:30 AM Worship Service
December 5th at the 4pm Advent Service
Decemer 19th at the 6pm School Christmas Service
March 6th at the 4pm Lenten Service
March 30th Fine Arts Festive at St. Croix
April 7th at the 10:30 Worship Service.
June 2nd at the 10:30 Graduation Worship Service

Here is my contact information: cell 651-764-3041 email agosch@salemlutheran.org
Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me, and thanks so much for singing for your Savior!!!!!
Ms. Gosch

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