Salem Soccer has "Kicked Off" - Game 1 recap

The Salem Saints Soccer team "kicked off" their season this past week.  After only two practices they were on the road to play their first game against Good Shepherd of Burnsville. Compared to last year's rainout, the weather was almost perfect for all our fans watching the game! While the Panthers had many more players compared to the Saints, the Saints had plenty of experience to bring to the game.  It was a back and forth battle for the first 30 minutes and the teams were 0-0 at halftime. 
The halftime break was a much-welcomed respite by our Saints, as we only had one sub to rotate through.  With the warm weather and sunshine, Coach Collins was concerned if we would have enough stamina to make it through the second half.  Thankfully the players came out refreshed for the second half. 

David, as the goalie, made some great saves and had huge kicks out for anything that made it through our strong defensive line led by Reese. The midfielders, a mix of 4th - 8th graders, did a great job of covering both ends of the field, helping on defense and passing the ball to our forwards. The forwards were aggressive on offense and many shots were taken by Eli, Lars, Griffin, Alexis, Noah, and others.  We knew eventually one would go in!

After an offsides call retracted our first ball in the net, the Saints came out with greater determination.  A goal would eliminate any overtime play! In the final 10 minutes of the game, Griffin received a great pass and put the ball in the net! The Saints knew that playing strong to the end was critical and Alexis took another ball down the field to score a second time with only three minutes remaining.  With the sun in our eyes and wind against us, the team held together on defense and finished to gain the first win of the season, 2-0.

Coach Collins was very proud of how well the team played together and how well they knew their positions on the field. The 8th graders led the team warm-up prior to the game and gave good advice to all the players during the game. We have our second game of the season at HOME on Thursday.  Join us on the field behind the school as we take on Crown of Life.

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