Shah Family Update

Eliana Shah Update

Eliana will begin 6 weeks of radiation at the Mayo Clinic at the end of this month. It will require the family to split up and live in two locations with additional travel needed to make sure schedules are kept for Elijah (6th grade) and Isaiah (4th grade) here at home. There will be a lot of decisions and plans to make in the coming month to make things work for the family during this transition. Please pray for the Shah family as they continue to plan for the care needed for Eliana and as they prepare additional housing and other logistics.

They will also be in need of help with gas and hotel costs. If you would like to help the Shah family, there will be some envelopes on the information table in the church entrance and also in the school office that you can leave in either office to help the family. There is a Caring Bridge Site also available and you can contact either the church or school office for that information. Thank you!

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