Keep on Growing in God's Word!

Join us at Sunday Education Hour for all ages!
Important Dates for Sunday School
September 9th—First Day of Sunday School
December 16th—Sunday School Christmas Service, 10:30 AM service
December 23rd & 30th—No Sunday School, Christmas Break
April 14th—Sunday School sings, last day of Sunday School

Sunday School Schedule
9:15 AM—Parents drop off children in church for Opening
9:30 AM—Bible story in classrooms
10:00 AM—Activity / Craft in gym
10:15 AM—Parents pick up children at gym

To register, please click on this link-- Sunday School Registration
If you'd like to register with a paper form, please check your child's backpack this week. 
We will send this information home with each one of them.
If you have any questions, please contact 

Parents, we'd love to invite you to our Bible study each Sunday morning from 9:15-10:15 AM in the school cafeteria / fellowship hall. It's a great way to meet people and to grow in our knowledge of God's Word. 
Our first study is called Timely Topics, Timeless Truths. Have you ever felt unprepared to talk about today’s hot-button issues from a Christian perspective? Do you wish you could be better equipped to defend why you believe what you do when your faith is challenged, and yet do it in a loving way? Our upcoming study, Timely Topics, Timeless Truths, will equip you with biblical truths for engaging in challenging issues with your family, friends, and coworkers. We will dig into these interesting topics and more: Visiting Heaven Are these visits for real? They Posted WHAT?! Addressing inappropriate use of social media by Christians. Overweight or Overfit? The narrow Lutheran middle.  We hope to see you there!

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