Dear Parents, We wanted to make you aware of the safety drills that we participate in for the safety of our students and staff at Salem. Your student may mention these so we wanted to make you aware of them as well. We will be participating in 2 different types of lockdown drills with your children. The first type of lockdown is called a Lockdown with Warning. This would be used if there is a threat outside of the building. We would remain in our classroom with the doors locked, blinds pulled and no outdoor play with minimal travel in the halls especially by the main doors. We would continue with our schedule as planned without outside movement. If it would be at the end of the day, we would keep your children safe here at school and not release them until the threat was gone. We would communicate this with parents through email or phone call as needed. The second kind of lockdown drill is a Lockdown with Intruder. We have set protocols to follow which include locking our classr