August/September Lunch Menu

Lunch News

Here is the first lunch menu for the 2018-2019 school year! Please make sure your lunch account is funded for the school year to begin. Checks can be dropped off in the school office and should be made out to Salem Food Service on your child's first day of school. TADS can also be set up to automatically withdraw from your checking, savings, or credit card if you have tuition set up to do the same. Stop into the school office for more information or email

This year we will be using TADS Educate to allow you to check your lunch balance. We will be sending out more information on how to log into this as the school year begins and we have everything in place to get this information accessible to you. This will be a great resource for you this year for lunch as well as for other school information. We will keep you posted as we work to get this ready.

Please stop in the school office if you have not already set up a TADS withdrawal to fund your lunch account or to bring in a check to get your child's lunch account started.

Thank you!

August/September Lunch Menu

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