Girls Basketball News vs Bloomington

Last Friday, the Salem girl’s basketball A team faced the Bloomington Eagles, who have always been a tough opponent. All week, the girls practiced on running our plays, man defense, and some of the rules of the game, since we have several players that are new to basketball. Alex and I, along with the team, wanted to make sure we were as prepared as we could be to face this tough opponent.

The team came out strong, and Sophia led the team with her enthusiasm and hustle. I could not be more proud or pleased with the effort and hustle the girls had. We only have eight players, and even though the team was tired, and had to play long minutes before getting a break, they never gave up.

Due to the Eagle’s size, we were at a huge disadvantage for rebounding. Due to this, we struggled to get defensive rebounds, and Bloomington began to pull away in the second half. Despite the score differential, the girls kept up a positive attitude, and left it all on the court. We ended up losing 11-36, and Alex and I were both proud of the improvement we saw from our first scrimmage to our first game. The girls understood what needed to be done and for such a young team, they were not afraid of a physically tough game.

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, there will not be a game until December 1st and then a tournament on December 2nd. We will be focusing on rebounding and boxing out with the upcoming practices to help us continue to improve and prepare for what’s to come. During this Thanksgiving break, I pray that the players and their families are able to spend time with one another and enjoy the extra time off to rest and reflect on all God has given to us.

Coaches Tess Anderson and Alex Monjeau

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