December Dates to Remember

Reminders for the Month of December

SCRIP Orders Due Dec. 4 & Dec. 11

Friday, December 1 - Jump Up Day -  All of our students will spend the morning as if they were in their next grade. Each classroom will spend 1/2 of the day in the next grade up.  This is a great opportunity for students to become familiar with the teaching staff here at Salem.  After lunch, classes will resume their regular schedules.  We chose this day because our 8th grade class will be “jumping up” to 9th grade by participating in Crusader for a Day at St. Croix Lutheran High School. Our teachers are excited to meet their future students!

Basketball Game - Away
Girls play Good Shepherd @ 7:00 pm and boys play @ 8:00 pm
Heritage Lutheran, 13401 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd, Apple Valley, MN

Saturday, December 2 - Basketball Tournament @ St. Croix Lutheran Middle School 9:00 am (Boys) & 10:00 am (Girls)/ Worship Service 5:00 pm

Sunday, December 3 - Worship Services 8:00 & 10:30 am (Education Hour 9:15-10:15 am)
                                       Advent by Candlelight 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Wednesday, December 6 - Advent Worship @ 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm(Jubilate sings at 4:00 pm service)
Pioneers and Youth Group will serve soup supper between services.

Friday, December 8 - Home games against Crown of Life  6:30 pm (Girls) & 7:30 pm (Boys)
A bake sale will be held during the games to help fund our Athletic Department. We would appreciate donations dropped off at the school office by that Friday.

Saturday, December 9 - Basketball games @ Cross of Christ 11:30 pm (Girls) & 12:30 pm (Boys)
Cross of Christ Lutheran School 9931 Foley Blvd NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Worship Service 5:00 pm

Sunday, December 10 - Worship Services 8:00 & 10:30 am (Education Hour 9:15-10:15 am)

Wednesday, December 13 - Advent Worship @ 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm (5-8th sings at 4:00 pm service)
8th Grade Class will serve taco in a bag/taco salad for supper between services.

Thursday, December 14 - Preschool Christmas Program @ 6:00 pm

Friday, December 15 - Home games against Christ Lutheran, North St. Paul 6:30 pm (Girls) & 7:30 pm (Boys)

Saturday, December 16 - Worship Service 5:00 pm

Sunday, December 17 - Worship Services 8:00 & 10:30 am (Education Hour 9:15-10:15 am)

Wednesday, December 20 - K-8 Christmas Program @ 6:00 pm

Friday, December 22 - Tuesday, January 2 No School - Christmas break

Saturday, December 23 - No Worship Service

Christmas Service Schedule     Sunday, Dec. 24  Christmas Eve Worship 10 AM, 5 PM & 11 PM
                                                        Monday, Dec. 25 Pre-service Carol Sing 9:40 AM
                                                                                      Christmas Day Worship 10:00 AM

New Years Service Schedule    Saturday, Dec. 30 5 PM, Sunday, Dec. 31 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM

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