Veterans Day

Veterans Day Presentation

Salem Lutheran School had a special presentation on Thursday, November 9,  to recognize veterans and pay tribute for their service to our country. The speaker was David Zolldan, a sergeant in the 34th Division of the Minnesota National Guard. David attended Salem Lutheran School from preschool through eighth grade so this presentation was special to him and the staff members that had him as a student. Sergeant Zolldan spoke about the historical significance of Veterans Day and why it is important for us to remember the veterans of our country. He served with 34th Division Military Police Company in Iraq from 2009-2010. His slide presentation of Iraq and other places he has been with the National Guard gave the students an excellent image of what military deployment and service are like. He was joined by Mr. Jeff Ross, who is a former member of the Air Force.  Mr. Ross gave a brief talk to the third and fourth grade students before the all-school presentation. Students were allowed to see artifacts that Sergeant Zolldan brought to the presentation. Among them were an armored vest, helmet, dress uniform hat that is used when he performs honor guard duties, dog tags, military patches from Iraqi soldiers, and a piece of shrapnel from a rocket that was aimed at their base camp in Iraq. We thank both Sergeant Zolldan and Mr. Ross for their service and for coming to Salem Lutheran School to help us understand how important our veterans are to our country.

Roger Zolldan
Principal, Salem Lutheran School and proud father of David Zolldan

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