November Message from the Principal

From the Principal’s Desk
November, 2017

 Our Great Heritage

This year we observe the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  In 1517, Martin Luther wanted to debate some questionable practices of the church.  A custom of this time was to use the doors of the church as a “bulletin board” where notices would be posted.  Luther nailed 95 theses, or propositions, to the doors of the Castle Church of Wittenberg to announce his intentions to discuss these issues in an intellectual debate.  The basic themes of his position were Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone, and Christ alone.  It is by God’s grace alone that we receive our forgiveness of sins, not by anything we do.  Through faith alone we are deemed righteous in God’s eyes, even though we continue to be sinners.  All we believe and preach is from Scripture alone, God’s Holy Word, not words of people or societal norms.  There is only one that saves and that is Jesus Christ alone.  Luther taught us to look at the world in God’s perspective, not our perspective.  These beliefs are the cornerstones of our Lutheran Church and are often referred to as Our Great Heritage.

Another part of our great Lutheran heritage is the Lutheran school.  Martin Luther was a passionate advocate of schools for children so that they would be educated, not only in academics, but in God’s Word.  It was true in Luther’s time, and it is true in our time, that it is difficult to be a devout Christian and believe in what the Bible teaches and live a life of faith.  Joseph Heller, the author of “Catch-22” demonstrated what believers face when he stated, “The truth is, whatever people will believe is the truth.  Don’t you know history?”  Views like this permeate our society.  In 3 John 4 we read a comforting contrast to this worldly view, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  The truth here is God’s Word.  This is what we teach.  This is what we believe.  This is Our Great Heritage.

                    God’s Word is our great heritage, and shall be ours forever;
                    To spread its light from age to age shall be our chief endeavor.
                    Through life it guides our way; in death it is our stay.
                    Lord grant, while worlds endure, we keep its teachings pure,
                    Throughout all generations.     CW 293

Roger Zolldan
Principal, Salem Lutheran School

P.S.  Visit our large wall mural showing a timeline of Martin Luther.  It is displayed in the lower level across the hall from Mrs. Noack’s classroom.

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