A Message from Salem Parent/Teacher Organization

Hello Salem Family,

The following is a message from our SPTO (Salem Parent-Teacher Organization) Executive Committee:

After placing SPTO on hold due to COVID, we are revisiting what we can do to help serve the school. As such, we are planning a meeting on February 4th at 4:15pm via zoom to discuss plans for connecting families via a class representative. The zoom link will be shared later next week. Please join us to help facilitate this important endeavor.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to our Executive Committee Members:

Bonnie Richter (raspberrypie90@aol.com)

Sarah Wegwerth (swegwerth@gmail.com)

Nancy Hartsock (nmghartsock@gmail.com)

Sherah Spark (sherahp@hotmail.com)

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