Salem Supporting Logan Loves

 Hello Salem Family,

For the past few years, Salem has supported those who are in need during the Christmas season instead of doing a gift exchange in the classroom. 

This year, Salem will be donating to Logan Loves. This organization was founded by a family that was blessed with two monochorionic/monoamniotic twins. This meant that they would have many surgeries and hospital stays to deal with the complications of having this diagnosis. Logan (one of the twins) had many heart problems growing up and endured many surgeries and two heart transplants that kept him in the hospital for a while. 

Logan Loves' mission is the following "During a time of illness, children don't always get to enjoy the comforts of home or the things they love to do or experience. The mission of Logan Loves is to bring joy and healing to kids and their families during their hospital visits. We carry out our mission by providing various products, events and services that Logan Loves either through purchasing items or partnering with businesses and organizations."

Your child's teacher will be in contact with how their classroom will be supporting this organization. This is a wonderful opportunity to follow our theme for the school year and let our light shine to brighten up other's lives during a difficult time in their life. We pray that God would comfort and bless all of these families that need to spend time in the hospital over the Christmas season. 

God's blessings on your day.

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