Quarantine Changes

 Hello Salem Family,

Due to MDH's switch to follow CDC guidelines, the quarantine rules have shifted for Salem as well. The quarantine window will be shortened if the following situations apply to your child(ren):

1. There are no positive cases in your household.

2. Your child had a one time exposure to the COVID positive person. 

The shortened time period is 7 days with a negative test, (The test must be taken five days or more after the exposure date for it to count.) or 10 days if you do not want to get your children tested. (They must not develop any COVID symptoms during this time for them to come back.)

With this being said, the students that were affected by the staff member testing positive a few days ago can return earlier than expected. 

If you plan on getting your child tested, please send the result to Mr. Klatt via ClassDojo or email (rklatt@salemlutheran.org). If your child had exposure on 12/1, they can return on 12/9 and if they had exposure on 12/2, they can return on 12/10. Again that is with a negative test.

Students who do not get tested can return to school next Monday, 12/14. Again, as long as they do not develop symptoms of COVID over their quarantine. 

Please reach out to Mr. Klatt with any questions you may have. Thanks for being patient as we continue to navigate this ever-changing situation. It is great to know that we have an all-powerful God in control when life seems to be spiraling out of control. 

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