COVID Guideline Clarification

 Hello Salem Family,

The School Board wanted me to clarify one aspect of the change in protocol due to the CDC and MDH's new guidelines. 

If a class has an exposure and needs to quarantine, the whole class will be out for 10 days. We encourage students to still get tested, but it won't allow them to come back before the 10 day period in this situation. This is so we don't have some students coming back early and others waiting for the 10 days. This allows the teachers to effectively teach your students online or in-person and devote their entire attention to one or the other. 

If it is a separate situation that doesn't involve the entire classroom, the 7 day negative test protocol can be used. (If they get tested negative, they can come back after 7 days.)

Thank you for all of your support during this time as the rules keep changing. We continue to pray for our families and thank God for the time we have each and every day to be together. 

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