Middle School Students Compete in MLC Meet Math
Our middle school students are competing in the Martin Luther College Meet Math competition this year. Students attempted to answer the first of four contests with six problems each. You can see our school and individual student results and rankings by visiting https://meetmath.mlc-wels.edu/results/view. Our Salem fifth and sixth-grade students are in the B-5 category, and our seventh and eighth-grade students are in the A-6 category. Categories are determined by school size.

Other test dates this school year are the weeks of November 11, January 13, and February 24.
Meet Math is a service club at Martin Luther College that provides mathematics contests for students in grades 5-12 who are enrolled in WELS or ELS schools. This club also maintains school and individual statistics that are the basis for various awards presented at the end of the school year. For more information about Meet Math, visit https://meetmath.mlc-wels.edu/about.

Other test dates this school year are the weeks of November 11, January 13, and February 24.
Meet Math is a service club at Martin Luther College that provides mathematics contests for students in grades 5-12 who are enrolled in WELS or ELS schools. This club also maintains school and individual statistics that are the basis for various awards presented at the end of the school year. For more information about Meet Math, visit https://meetmath.mlc-wels.edu/about.