Reminders for the Week!

  • Tonight is K-8 Parent/Teacher conferences from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. Grade K-4 please contact your child's teacher if you do not have a scheduled conference and need to schedule one. Grade 5-8 teachers will be in the school lunchroom during that time frame and no scheduled conference is needed. Just drop in to speak with them.
  • This Wednesday, Oct. 16 - Our students will be allowed to wear a cap/hat for Caps for Kids Day when they bring a $1 donation to school. The benefits from this event will go towards helping kids who are battling cancer.
  • NO SCHOOL this Thursday and Friday, Oct 17 & 18. Our teachers will be attending the WELS Teachers Conference in Mankato, MN.
     Reminders for Next Week
  • NO BUS Monday and Tuesday, Oct 21 & 22. Please make arrangements to bring and pick up your children from school on those days.
  • Picture retakes are scheduled for the morning of Thursday, October 24. Please bring your child's current package in if you are requesting a retake. Students who missed Picture Day may also have their photos taken on this day. Order forms are in the school office or you can use the link below to order online.
          Inter-state Online Order

  •  Kamera Kids meet Friday, October 25 at 7:45 am. Please bring any photos you have taken over the summer that you want to share.


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