Costa Maya Ministries October 2019 Update

 October 2019

Good and Pleasant
What a privilege to spend time with our brothers and sisters in faith, wherever that happens. This month I was invited to preach at Bloomington-Living Hope Lutheran Church in the Twin Cities area. I also was able to talk about Costa Maya Ministries at the school and at West Lutheran High School. One of the highlights was giving a presentation on our mission at the church picnic during halftime of the Packers-Vikings game. (Fortunately, I grew up in Houston so was able to avoid getting on anyone’s bad side!) From the questions of children, to those who hosted me, and the many who prayed for our mission and spontaneously offered to help in all different ways, I could see without a doubt the blessing of working together as Christians in ministry. How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity (Psalm 133:1), especially when we’re united to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.  ~Pastor Valleskey
Freedom is a rare commodity. Some think they have it while they are really in bondage. Others are free but don’t realize it. What does freedom look like to you—political, religious, relational, financial?

Mexico celebrated its political freedom from Spanish rule on September 16. The day symbolizes Mexico’s ability to live out its independence in all aspects of life. This freedom came with a cost of many wars and lives. 

Cruz de Cristo Church shares the most important freedom, spiritual freedom, in Bible studies and worship services. Outreach also takes place through English classes and education to those who don’t have the opportunity to attend school. Spiritual freedom goes beyond all other types of freedom and came to us through the cost of Christ, from the womb to the tomb and now risen and in heaven. He died and rose for us … and for all people of all time. Freedom from death and punishment for sin, yes, but also freedom to see ourselves and others through the lens of Christ and live out a new identity on earth, guided by the Spirit. What keeps you close to your freedom in Christ? What deters you?

Below are a few pictures from Mexico City during its independence day celebrations.  Many in Mexico are still in need of hearing the message of true, eternal freedom in Christ. Thank you for your prayers and support of sharing this liberating gospel message here!   ~ Meghan Mortenson
Online donations may be made at or by check payable to
Costa Maya Ministries and mailed
c/o Fred Starck
2818 Jennifer Lane
Johnsburg, IL 60051

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