September School News

Staff Changes

We have been blessed with the same teaching staff for this upcoming school year. The teachers are excited to get back to work and to see the students again in their classrooms. A few new faces for aides this year. 

  • Ross Collins will no longer be an aide in the preschool. We wish him the best as he pursues another path in service to his Lord. 
  • Our new preschool aides are Sara Shah and Kim Boogren. We are also excited to have Mary Bjurstrom back with us for another year of fun and learning.
  • Our last new addition is Katie Dahlke (Salem alumnus). She will be our K-2 aide for the upcoming school year. She is excited to get to know the students and help them achieve their fullest potential. 
  • Our Before and After School Care for K-8 will again be staffed by Chad and Mackenzie Hanson. We also welcome Jake Olson (Salem alumnus) and Nicole Fiebelkorn who will be staffing our Preschool BASC. We appreciate their help in keeping our kids safe and monitored before and after school.

Enrollment Forecast
Our enrollment for Salem for the 2019-2020 school year is as follows:
Preschool: 49 4th Grade: 12
Kindergarten: 16 5th Grade: 8
1st Grade: 10 6th Grade: 7
2nd Grade: 8 7th Grade: 5
3rd Grade: 7 8th Grade: 6
Total: 127 students

Picture Day

Salem’s Picture Day is September 9th. Your student should be bringing the order form home this week. You may also order online before or after the photos are taken. Please use this link to order online.

Jump Rope for Heart
Salem will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart on September 11th. Leading up to this event, students will be collecting money for the American Heart Association. If you would like to donate to this cause ask the students about it in church. You can always donate online as well. The students will have an hour or so of activities on September 11th to promote a healthy lifestyle and a healthy heart. 

Grandparents’ Day
Another Grandparents’ Day is right around the corner. It is scheduled to be held on September 27th. If you have a grandchild in attendance at Salem or if you would like to be an “adopted grandparent” for the day, please make plans to attend. If you would like to help out with the event, you can get in contact with Bonnie Richter, the president of our Salem Parent Teacher Organization. 

Upcoming Events
  • August 26 - First Day of 2019-2020 school year
  • August 29 - Jump Rope for Heart Presentation
  • September 4 - St. Croix Chapel and Presentation
  • September 9 - Picture Day
  • September 10 - Board of Education Meeting
  • September 11 - Jump Rope for Heart
  • September 13 - Jump Rope for Heart Donations Due
  • September 19 - SPTO Meeting
  • September 20 - PreK Field Trip to Fawn doe Rosa
  • September 27 - Grandparents Day
  • September 30 - Begin MAP testing
Please check the Salem School Calendar for details on times for these events.

Are you Interested in a Bible Study?
Women's Bible Study will begin meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month beginning Wednesday, September 11th. We meet in the Fireside Room with fellowship time at 9am and Bible Study beginning around 9:30am. All women are invited! Children are also welcome. There are snacks, toys, and older children for them to play with. This year, we will be studying the book Quick to Listen: Understanding Viewpoints that Challenge your Faith. Join us as we gather together for fellowship and to study God's Word! Questions? Feel free to contact Rachel Boerner at 507-720-2954.

We are still collecting Box-tops for Education and aluminum cans. Please remember to check the date on the Boxtops for Education as they do expire. Watch for more information on the new digital Box Top program coming soon!. Labels can be placed in the bin at the school door entrance. Aluminum cans can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property. 

Have you checked out the website?  You can now order your own SCRIP any time, anywhere you need it.  You can also now order with your credit card! All you have to do is login and sign up! If you have students at Salem, the rebates earned can be applied to your child’s tuition - some families have earned over $400 just by using gift cards to pay for your purchases. There will be a flat 5% fee on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders. For example, if you earn $5.00 from your order, Salem will keep $.25 to cover any costs. You can also apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition. We have also added an option to direct your profits to the church. Contact the church office for more information.  

One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings on our school year.

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