School Theme for the 2019-2020 School Year

A Message from Principal Klatt

I pray you all have been having a wonderful summer with family and friends. Last year our theme was “Built on the Rock”. Our focus was on how our faith is built on Jesus and all he has done to save us from our sins. This year our focus is going to be “Forward in Faith” based on Philippians 1:6  “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” At Salem, we encourage our students to live their faith in everything they do. Since Jesus died on the cross to take away all of our sins, we now get to say thank you by being kind and respecting others. The motivation created by Jesus is breathtaking to behold in our young students. They surprise us each and every day with the ways they show their love for their Savior.

Many of you may have heard the phrase “two steps forward and one step back”. We have that at Salem as well. We have students who don’t always move forward in their faith and may take a step back. That Is where we get to use the Bible and what it says to redirect them and continue their movement forward.

You may wonder what we are moving toward as we continue Forward in Faith. Our goal is Heaven. When the Holy Spirit creates faith in the hearts of our students, they have access to Heaven instantly. However, Jesus still has work for us to do on this earth by spreading God’s Word to those in our lives, so all of our loved ones can be with us forever in Heaven. In that sense, we move “Forward” towards heaven bringing as many people with us as possible.

We wish you all God’s richest blessings as we start the school year. It will be a great year where we can continue our journey moving forward toward our ultimate goal of heaven with our loving Savior.

 I'm excited to see you all on Monday!

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