Save the Date and Time!

Dear Salem School families--

The weekend after Labor Day, September 8th, is Christian Education Sunday. Path of Peace (our contemporary service) on Saturday the 7th at 5 pm and our Sunday 8 & 10:30 am services will celebrate the privilege of teaching and learning more about the incredible things Jesus has done for us.

Sunday School Registration
Sunday School for 3 year olds through 6th grade starts on September 8th. We begin with opening in church and continue in our school classrooms. This year Sunday School will be divided into 2 groups (PreK-2nd grade and 3rd-6th grade). The teachers are excited to use a new curriculum called "Enduring Faith." We'd love to know how many children will be coming. Please click on the link below to register ahead of time!

Teen Bible Study
Teens usually meet in the Teen Room (at the end of the church hallway) at 9:15 am. Teens, keep tuned for more information!

Adult Bible Study
Adults will meet downstairs on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall. There will be coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and snacks to enjoy. Come downstairs and enjoy food and fellowship until 9:30, and then we'll begin our study. If your children aren't old enough for Sunday School, please bring them along. We love having them with us! We'll be looking at "Influencing God's Children." This study helps us see how important it is for all of us, whether we have children or not, to teach our children God's truths. We'll also learn how to be a positive influence in their lives.

Sept. 8 • Lesson One—Influences: Past and Present
Sept. 15 • Lesson Two—The Importance of Parental Influence
Sept. 22• Lesson Three—Train With the Law and the Gospel
Sept. 29 • Lesson Four—Teach Children to Know the Will of God
Oct. 6 • Lesson Five—Help Children Improve; Teach Respect
Oct. 13 • Lesson Six—Virtues to Instill in Our Children

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