August School News

School News 

Information Packet 
Click here  2019-2020 Information Packet 

This is information on the new school year. Completed forms can be dropped off at any time during the summer months or brought with you at the Visit the Teacher Night or Welcome Night dates listed below. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.  651-439-7831

Staff Changes
We have been blessed with the same teaching staff for this upcoming school year. The teachers are excited to get back to work and to see the students again in their classrooms. A few new faces for aides this year.
  • Ross Collins will no longer be an aide in the preschool. We wish him the best as he pursues another path in service to his Lord. 
  • Our new preschool aides are Sara Shah and Kim Boogren. We are also excited to have Mary Bjurstrom back with us for another year of fun and learning.
  • Our last new position is our K-2 aide for the upcoming school year. This position will be filled soon. More updates will be coming.
  • Our Before and After School Care for K-8 will again be staffed by Chad and Mackenzie Hanson. We appreciate all they do to keep our kids safe and monitored before and after school. 

Summer Tuesday Help Needed
We are looking for families to help with Summer Tuesdays again this year. We need help in the following areas:

Set up/take down involves loading a car with a tent, tables, and posters. Setting those items up at the destination and after the event picking them up. You do not have to stay for the event if you are just helping with set-up and take-down.

Meet and Greeter is talking with people as they walk by the tent. We will have a craft for the children to do inside the tent, so you can invite families to try the craft and talk to the parents as the child is doing the craft. We will have pamphlets for church and school you can hand out and use to talk.

Craft Helper is helping the kids complete the craft that is being done in the tent. You work with the kids and talk with them about their lives. You can talk about Salem and how it is a great school, but mostly just helping them with the craft.

A faculty member has already signed up for each week. The events continue through August 20th. Again it is only the Tuesdays of that week. If you would like to help contact either the church or school office.

Enrollment Forecast
Our enrollment for Salem for the 2019-2020 school year is expected as follows:

Preschool: 50         4th Grade: 12
Kindergarten: 16 5th Grade: 8
1st Grade: 9 6th Grade: 7
2nd Grade: 8 7th Grade: 5
3rd Grade: 7 8th Grade: 6

Total: 128 students

School Registrations for 2019
The Board of Education has set the registration fees for the 2019-2020 school year at $150 for preschool and $250 for grades K-8. We encourage families to register early so that we can budget more accurately for the next school year’s needs.

School Updates
The kindergarten classroom received an update with new carpet. The loft in the Kindergarten room has also been removed to make more space for the workroom and for safety. We are looking to have a gaga ball pit installed by the start of school. Mr. Klatt and Gordy are working together to get it installed. The other regular school cleaning is being done (Cleaning rugs, waxing floors, and getting everything ready for a new school year).

New Format for Welcome Night August 19
Welcome Night will have a change from past years. Mr. Klatt will be having a meeting with all parents and students in the gym to begin the event. Many speakers will talk about the upcoming school year and the types of things you can get involved with at Salem. This will also be a time for you to meet other parents in your child’s grade and learn more about your child’s school. There will be two meetings one at 5:30pm and one at 6:30pm. Excited to see you all in August!

Upcoming Events
August 14 - K-8 Visit the Teacher Night 4-7pm, PK Info Night @ 4:00 pm
August 19 - School Welcome Night Presentation @ 5:30 pm & 6:30 pm, PK Info Night @ 6:00 pm
August 26 - First Day of 2019-2020 school year
September 9 - Picture Day
September 27 - Grandparents Day

Donation Board
We have identified items that we need for school and have placed them on crayons on a board in the
 Narthex  If you would like to donate something, just take a crayon and get the item listed and bring back and place under the board.  We thank you for your donations!

Collections for the School
We are still collecting Box-tops for Education and aluminum cans. Please remember to check the date on the Boxtops for Education as they do expire. Watch for more information on the new digital Box Top program coming soon! Labels can be placed in the bin at the school door entrance. Aluminum cans can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property.  We are no longer collecting inkjet cartridges!

SCRIP Orders
We are enhancing our current SCRIP program to allow you to order your SCRIP on your own if you choose.  You can bring your SCRIP orders to the church office at any time and we will try to get them ordered right away.  There will be a flat 5% fee on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders.  For example, if you earn $5.00 from your order, Salem will keep $.25 to cover any costs. We also offer to apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition.  We have also added an option to direct your profits to the church. Contact any SPTO member or the church office for more information.

One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings on our school year.

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