School Starts Monday, August 26!

The first day of school is almost here! Here are some things to note:

Opening Service
Parents are invited to join us for our opening worship service which will be at 9:30 am. Feel free to drop off your child in their classroom and then head to the church sanctuary before the service begins. The children will sit with their classmates so please leave the first several pews free for our classes to organize and sit with their teachers. It is a great chance to meet other parents and welcome any new parents to our Salem family before the service begins. Please join us if you are able!

School Schedule
Our school day begins at 9:15 am. School doors open at 8:30 am. Buses will begin to run that day but please be patient as the routes are new to all and extra time may be needed until it is all working smoothly. Our school day ends at 3:40 pm for our K-8 students.

Before and After School Care
Before and After School Care will be available. Please drop off or pick up your child at the south doors on the side of our school. This door will be unlocked for you to do so. Please go with your child to their assigned room to sign them in. K-8 students meet in the lunchroom and preschoolers should go to Mrs. Gosch's room (across from gym RM 120).

Before Care 7:00 am - 8:30 am
After Care 3:40 pm - 5:00 pm

You will be billed at the beginning of the next month for the previous month's attendance through email.  You can pay the office or opt to have it billed through your TADS account. Please note a prompt pick-up at 5:00 pm is needed for after school care so our childcare workers can keep their evening schedules. Thank you!

Before School Drop-off
The driveway in front of the school is intended for bus and car drop-off. The parking lots should be used for cars that will be parked for any length of time, whether attended or unattended. Please do NOT PARK and leave your vehicle in the driveway in front of the school. If you think it may take some time and assistance for your child to exit the vehicle, please park in a parking lot and walk in with your children. We need to keep this drop-off and pick up lane moving as smoothly as possible. Also be mindful of the buses that will be dropping off children in the morning usually by 9-9:10 am so you do not block their access to the driveway.

After School Pick-up
The K-8 children will be escorted outside by the teachers to the school door entrance if they will be picked up that day. Do not park in this drive-through area. It is meant as a lane that should continue to move as students get picked up. All bus students will be taken to the driveway in front of the church to load the shuttle bus which takes them to St. Croix Catholic for their bus transfer. Do not park in the upper driveway at the end of the school day. This area is for bus pick-up only!

Preschool families should park in the school parking lots on the east and south side of the school and bring their child in through the school entrance and again enter through the school entrance to pick up their child. Please do not park in the drive-through areas.

Contact the school office if you have any questions.

Looking forward to a great year!

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