Salem Bowling

Salem will once again offer bowling this spring for boys and girls in grades 5th-8th. There is a fee of $60 to participate. (This fee is what Stillwater bowl charges each student for the rental of the shoes and balls for all of the practices.) Students that want to participate will need to purchase a bowling T-shirt that will have their last name on the back and their number.  If they participated last year and their T-shirt still fits they may use that. Just be sure to indicate on the bottom of this form what your number is so that number isn’t used by another teammate. Practices will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45-5:00 at Stillwater Bowl.  The students will need a ride to the bowling alley. So if you can help carpool that would be great. The first practice will be on March 26th.  The first bowling match will be April 12th.  A complete schedule will be available at the beginning of the season.

Please hand in this note by March 13th.

Student Name__________________________

____  I have a T-shirt that still fits.  The number is _____

____I will need a bowling T-shirt.  The number choices I would like are____________

The cost of the T-shirt will be  $ 20.00. (Please send the money with this note.)

Fee for participating in bowling  $ 60.00. (Please send the money with this note.)

____I will transport my own child to Stillwater Bowl for practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

____I can also carpool other bowling students to Stillwater Bowl for practices.

We would also like a couple volunteers to coach the bowling teams.  Please contact Mrs. Klatt or Mrs. Hansen if you are interested. Thank you.

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