Please Collect Box Tops and Cans for Our School!

Box Tops

Our school participates in the General Mills Box Tops for Education Program. Please consider saving these logos from many products you may already be buying or already have in your pantry and place them in the collection box at our school entrance.  Please make sure the Box Top date has not expired. To make collection easier for families, Preschool - 4th grade will have collection sheets available in the child's classroom to help with collecting these. You can, however, just put them in a plastic bag and drop them in the bin at the school entrance. Here is a list of the products that you can clip this logo from.

2018-2019 Box Top for Education Products

Aluminum Can Collection

Our School Athletic Fund is benefitted by every aluminum can that you save for us. There is a can collection bin (it is a wooden bin with lid) on the side of the garage next to the beige house on our school property. Please drop off any aluminum cans in this bin (bagged in plastic bags is helpful).

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