April School News

School News

Family Academic Night - Science

Thank you to everyone who helped on our Family Science Academic Night. We had many great presentations and demonstrations that the students and their families enjoyed. We look forward to next year’s Family Academic Night.

Lent/Easter Services

Lent Services continue in the month of April. We have two services at 4pm and 7pm with a dinner in between. Easter week starts with Palm Sunday on April 14th. Maundy Thursday will be April 18th and Good Friday will be on April 19th. Finally, Easter will be on April 21st. Look for a blog and other notification about service times for those days.

Easter Egg Hunt

We invite children ages 2-7 and their parents (siblings are welcome) to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 6 from 10:00 am - 11:30 am in the school gym. Activities will include games, arts & crafts, face painting, and refreshments.

Easter Break

Salem will have its Easter Break from April 18-22.

Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The School Board is collecting money for the Endowment Fund. We received a grant to give us $20,000 in matching funds from Antioch. We currently are at $8615. This fund’s purpose is to create an account that the school can use to give families who want to send their children to Salem but cannot afford it. We will only be able to use the interest of this account to give to families. We are hoping to raise $30,000 more for either the endowment fund or the normal Tuition Assistance account. Mr. Klatt will give another presentation in April about the Endowment Fund and its purpose. If you would like your questions answered sooner, feel free to talk to any of the School Board members or Mr. Klatt.

Spring Plays

The School Board approved changing the format for the Spring Play for this school year. Preschool will be on its normal night on May 9th. K-8 will be doing skits at Salem on May 22nd. Both of these events will be held in the gym at Salem (not at the Phipps). This will just be for this year since there were so many snow days. Next year the play schedules and location will hopefully go back to normal. Thank you to everyone who gave your opinions in the survey. The School Board greatly appreciated getting your feedback.

Parent Introduction to Bible Class

This class is intended for parents of students who are interested in learning more about what their children are learning at Salem. Pastor Brohn will lead parents through what the Bible teaches us about ourselves and our God. If you are interested and missed the class on January 28th, feel free to talk with any of the teachers or Pastor Brohn about your interest of learning about what the Bible teaches.

Second Semester Chapel Offering

The children bring money for an offering every Wednesday in our school chapel service. During the second semester, our mission project supports “Grace--Hmong outreach in Vietnam.” We will join with many other schools to gather our offerings. The goal of this special offering is to receive gifts totaling $2 million by June 30, 2019, to fund the land purchase, building construction, and the first two years of operational costs for a pastor training facility in Hanoi, Vietnam.

School Registrations for 2019

The Board of Education has set the registration fees for the 2019-2020 school year at $150 for preschool and $250 for grades K-8. The discounted price is set to encourage families to register early so that we can budget more accurately for the next school year’s needs.

Messy Mondays

Our last Messy Monday was held on March 11th from 6pm to 7pm at Salem. Future Messy Mondays will be April 8 and May 13. All families with children ages 2-5 are welcome to attend. Families will be asked to give a $5 per child donation and a different activity or craft will be planned for each event. If you know of someone who is looking for a preschool or kindergarten for next year, please invite them. This is a wonderful opportunity to have them see our school and meet our awesome teachers. There are postcards for you to hand out in the church lobby or school office, if you would rather invite people that way.

Ways to Help Out

We are still collecting Box-tops for Education and aluminum cans. Please remember to check the date on the Boxtops for Education as they do expire. These can be placed in the bin at the school door entrance. Aluminum cans can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property.  Sorry, we are no longer collecting inkjet cartridges.

SCRIP Orders

We are enhancing our current SCRIP program to allow you to order your SCRIP on your own if you choose.  We will still do regular orders on the 2nd & 4th Monday mornings, but, now you have the option to place your own order online.  The other change will be a flat 5% fee for shipping on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders.  For example, if you earn $5.00 from your order, Salem will keep $.25 to cover any costs. We are also offering to apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition.  We are also adding an option to direct your profits to church.  We are excited about the changes and hope you are as well.  Contact any SPTO member or the church office for more information.


One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings on our school year.

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