March 29 - Night Out for Adults

This event, scheduled at our school from 6:30pm - 9:00pm, is intended as a night out for adults with proceeds to benefit the Salem Tuition Endowment Fund.

Tickets are $5 in advance in the school office or in the church entrance before and after services and will also be sold for $7 at the event.

The event will include:

Appetizers and Drinks

Cookie Baking Contest - Bring a dozen of your favorite homemade cookies to the event! Winner gets a prize!!!!

Wine Pull

Card Tournament


Board Games

Raffles - Here are some great prizes at the event...

MN Zoo Tickets
MN Twins Tickets
Phil's Tara Hideaway Gift Certificate
Acapulco Gift Cards
Pizza Ranch Gift Cards
Golf Certificate for Eagle Valley
Personal Training Session at River Valley Athletic Club
Chanhassen dinner  & Show Tickets

And Much More...

Buy your tickets now and plan for a fun evening!

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