SPTO Meeting Wednesday, May 5 at 6:00pm

Hello Salem Family,

The Salem Parent Teacher Organization is meeting this Wednesday, May 5th - virtual-only from 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Please use this link:

SPTO Meeting

Wednesday, May 5 · 6–7PM

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/fgv-jbjh-zpk

We have a variety of topics to discuss but primarily will be focusing on Teacher Appreciation Week which will be celebrated the week of May 17th and Olympic Day, May 25th (this is the year-end celebration for Salem kids). If you feel passionate about either of these topics, we welcome and encourage you to attend. We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas.  

Have questions?  Contact Us (Contact school office for phone #'s)

Sherah Spark 

Bethany Falch 

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