June Salem School News


COVID School Year

The end of April into the beginning of May saw an increase in the COVID cases at Salem. Three of the classrooms needed to quarantine, and a few siblings as well. Now that we are through that, things seem to have stabilized and school is back to normal for the end of the year. We are so thankful for our parents and families being flexible this year!

A Message from Mr. Klatt on Appreciation Week

I speak for the entire faculty and staff when I say thank you so much for the outpouring of appreciation last week and all year long.

Your children are a joy to teach every day, and we are so happy to have you all here at Salem!

Staffing Update

Thomas Stob accepted the call to be our 3rd-grade teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. He will also be Salem’s athletic director. We are excited to have Mr. Stob and his family (wife and 3 children) at Salem. 

Christine Rindfleisch returned the call to teach in our Middle School. Our next step was to request a graduate from MLC on May 15th. Unfortunately, we were not given a graduate to fill our vacant position. 

Mr. Klatt will work with our District President, Commission on Lutheran School’s Chairman, and local connections to find someone to fill the Middle School teaching position. Please continue to keep Salem in your prayers that God directs us to find a good fit to serve here at Salem. 


Salem’s Parent Teacher Organization had a  planning meeting on April 15th. The meeting was mainly to elect a new President and Vice President. Sherah Spark and Bethany Falch have filled those positions. Meghan Bicek has also joined the Events committee and is a welcome addition to the team. We thank these women for stepping up and serving Salem by being involved in SPTO.    

School Plays

PreK and K-4 have finished recording, and hopefully by the time this article reaches you, has been put up on Youtube for the church and school families to see. We are so thankful that we were still able to put on a performance and are looking forward to having in-person plays in the future. 

The middle school production was performed on May 25th as an outdoor theatre. It was great for the students to be able to put on a live performance and have the families able to be there to watch all of their hard work come to fruition. This play was also recorded and is on the Youtube channel as well. 

Sports Update

The track team met an untimely COVID quarantine situation which only allowed two of our students to compete in the track meet. Both of the girls performed very well and used their God-given talent to the fullest. We look forward to having a full team of students next year to participate. 

Bowling wrapped up nicely as well. The tournament was held on May 21st. The bowling team continued to improve as the season went on and we were excited for them to be able to compete at the end of the year tournament.

8th Grade Graduates

We have 5 eighth-grade graduates this year. We are excited for them as they prepare to start the next chapter of their education outside our walls. Isaac Goplen, Serenna Hartsock, Isaac Hunter, Tessa Richter, and Anna Waller graduated from Salem at the 10:30 am Graduation Service on May 23. We wish all of our graduates God’s richest blessings and continued prayers that you stay connected to our loving Savior through high school and the rest of your lives.

Salem Food Service News

The blessings of the lunch grant we received this year left some lunch accounts with a very good balance to start next year. You will be sent an email to let you know what your balance is to start the new year. If you have a negative balance, you will be contacted to pay the balance due.

If you are not returning to Salem next year, a check will be sent to all families with a balance greater than $5. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.

Thank you to everyone who used the Salem Food Service this past year!

St. Croix Joint Ministry with Salem

We are still in the very early stages of making a plan. As the plan takes a more concrete form, we will find an avenue to share that with school and church families. 

Registration for Preschool Next School Year

We now have a waiting list for our 4 and 5-year-old preschool classrooms. There are still some spots available for 3-year-olds.  The registration fee is $175. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. You have the choice of which days you would like your child to come but there is a minimum attendance of 3 half days up to 5 full days. The cost is $20 for half-day, $30 for full days.  If you know of any 2-4 year- olds looking for a preschool, please refer them to our website salemlutheran.org for registration information and for requesting a tour. 

Registration for K-8 Next School Year

Any families interested may enroll directly on our school website. K-8 registration fee is $275. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

Upcoming Events

May 27 - Last day of school for Preschool

May 28 - Last day of school K-8 Noon Dismissal (no pm bus and no aftercare)

June 14-18 Vacation Bible School - register online https://www.salemlutheran.org/vbs

August 30 - First Day of 2021-2022 school year (orientation dates to be posted this summer)

Referral Program

The School Board approved a program that gives an incentive to recruiting new families for our school. If a family who has children enrolled refers a new family to Salem, they will receive a $200 tuition credit at Christmas per family they have referred. A church family who refers a new family will receive a $200 script gift card also at Christmas per family if they so choose. There is no limit to the number of families you can refer. If you have any more questions about the program, speak to a School Board member or Mr. Klatt.

No More Clipping Boxtops

Boxtops has come up with a more technological way to earn money for Salem Lutheran School. Instead of clipping the box tops and sending them in, you can now scan your receipt through the app on your phone and the points will be awarded to your school. The website to sign up on is https://www.boxtops4education.com or you can download the Box Tops for Education app on your phone. 

 Thanks to all who have been collecting these labels for us over the years! Boxtops will still honor any non-expired labels you may still see on their products. However, these will be phased out over time as the new products will not have the old label, and scanning the receipt will eventually be the only way to collect points for our school. Bring in any non-expired labels you find. Our school can still get credit for these!

We Are Also Collecting Aluminum Cans

Aluminum cans benefit our athletic program and can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage facing Panama Ave.  on our property. Thanks for helping our school! 


Have you checked out the ShopWithSCRIP.com website?  You can now order your own SCRIP any time, anywhere you need it.  You can also now order with your credit card!  All you have to do is log in and sign up! If you have students at Salem, the rebates earned can be applied to your child’s tuition.  There will be a flat 5% fee on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders.  You can also apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition.  We have also added an option to direct your profits to church. Contact the church office for more information.  


As always, please pray for our school throughout the summer. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings in our school year.

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