Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up

The first quarter of our school ends on October 27. It's a great time to discuss the progress of your student. We’re scheduling conferences to be held after school on Wednesday, November 8, Thursday, November 9,  and the morning of Friday, November 10. (We have no school on November 10.)

  • Preschool conferences are scheduled for 30 minutes.
  • Conferences for Kindergarten through Grade 4 are scheduled to last 20 minutes. 
  • Conferences for Grades 5-8 are "walk-in" style. These teachers will be at tables in the school lunchroom. Parents can be seated while they wait for a particular teacher. Parents can visit all the teachers or select which ones to visit. With many middle school students, teachers will meet with each family for 5-10 minutes. 
  • If you need additional time, please contact the teacher to arrange another time to meet.

All parent in preschool and K-8 are encouraged to sign up for a parent-teacher conference. Families with multiple children are encouraged to sign up quickly to ensure times in close proximity. Be sure to sign up with the specific teachers.  If these times do not work, please contact your individual teacher.

To select a conference time that will be convenient for you, please click the button below, which takes you to our online sign-up.

Sign Up Now!

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