Free Lunch

 Dear Salem Family,

Salem’s lunch program has been looking into the federal funds for providing free lunch to our students. We recently put in our application and are able to give free lunch to all of our students. This program is set to begin on October 1st. 


The program is set to run through December 31st, BUT there is only a limited amount of money put into this program. This means that if the money runs out early the program will end early and families will start having to pay for lunch again. We will keep families informed of when the program is set to end as we hear news. 


You do not need to participate in the program, but all families are eligible for free lunch starting on Oct 1st. Our secretary will set up everyone’s lunch account, so it doesn’t pull money daily for the duration of the program. We will also suspend pulling out the automatic payments for lunch until the program is ended.


If your lunch account is negative, you will be receiving an email to get your account to zero.


If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Light, Mr. Klatt or Ms. Wall. 

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