Dear Salem school family--

In light of current challenges related to classroom gathering, Salem is introducing a new approach to Sunday school. Beginning Sunday, September 13th, lessons taught by experienced WELS teachers will be available free via YouTube. The engaging and age-appropriate Lesson Videos will tie to printed Student Lessons that Salem will provide to you at no cost. This new approach presents an easy yet meaningful way for you to encourage your child’s faith in Christ. The videos are about 10-12 minutes for PreK-K, 1-2, and 3-4. Grades 5-6 will run about 25 minutes because lessons for this level are structured differently. 

To see a preview of the Sunday, September 13th Lesson Video and Student Lesson, visit

This is also an opportunity to share the good news about Jesus with friends and neighbors. If you know someone with children who might benefit from these materials, please feel free to order and share them. Please reply by September 6th to Amy Stilwagon,, with the grade level(s) and the number of supplies you will need.  After we receive the materials she will sort them and get them to you and your family.

May Jesus bless your children as together we continue to share His love.  

He lives!
Pastor Brohn

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