K-8 Tuition Model Change Announcement

Salem’s School Board is asking that all families who will be enrolling or re-enrolling in K-8 fill out the TADS financial aid piece for the coming school year. The School Board is planning on slowly changing our tuition model. If you would like more information on what this new model looks like we will have two sessions to explain the change this coming Sunday (1/19) after both services and next Wednesday (1/22) at 4pm. Both sessions will be held in the church sanctuary. We will have teachers watching children in the gym during the Wednesday session. It should only take 10 minutes for the explanation and a Q&A will follow.

The only change to you this year is that we are asking you to fill out TADS financial aid. There will be no increase or change to the tuition other than the typical 3% for next year. This will drop your tuition from the $7000 it takes to educate your child down to the member or nonmember tuition rates. If you don’t fill out TADS, you are obligating yourself to pay the $7000 it takes to educate your child.

Here is what you will need to fill out the TADS financial piece:
  • Form 1040, 1065, and 1120 (if applicable)
  • W-2 forms
  • Any debt documentation
The application can be accessed on the home page of your TADS user account in the “Financial Aid Application” section by clicking the green Visit button.

Like I said above, there is no increase in tuition (besides the 3%) unless you do not fill out the TADS financial aid. If you have any questions, please bring them when you come on January 19 or 22nd.

If you are requesting aid beyond the member/nonmember rate, please fill out the form below or pick up a paper copy in the school office.

Tuition Assistance Request Form

Principal Klatt

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