January 2020
Here is the final update we'll share from Costa Maya Ministries.
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Thank you for all the gifts!
This is our team on Christmas Day dispensing roasted chicken, spaghetti, and tortillas to the beach and K55 families that come to church.   
Peace and Togetherness at Christmas in Mahahual

A Savior is born for us and everyone! That's the meaning of Christmas anywhere you go. Gathering as believers around the peace of Jesus is one of the highlights of the year for all of us!

In our community Christmas may be extra meaningful in some ways. Some come to Mahahual only to work and are far from family and friends. Many have hectic schedules in tourism employment. A good number of our neighbors are disconnected from their faith life.

We do our best here to offer a number of opportunities to celebrate the birth of Jesus: a Christmas for Kids, a traditional posada with Christmas carols and snacks, a special Christmas gathering an hour north of us in the community of Pulticub, and a Christmas Eve service in the church, among other activities.

One young man in particular came to Mahahual a few months ago looking for direction in life. He grew up in a big city over 20 hours from here, but he just didn't know what he wanted to do. So Mahahual seemed like a good option for a time. He started visiting our evening Bible study, then worship, and became a regular attendee and participant in all our events. More than anything, he was looking for peace and purpose, and by God's grace he found them in a Savior who gives him free forgiveness and eternal life through faith. You could see and hear the thankfulness in the way he expressed himself to us and others. Now he's moving back to the city where he grew up to teach as a part-time professor at the university. But he wants to stay in contact and hopes to start a Bible study group in his home to lead others to Christ.

We're thankful here in Mahahual for the peace and togetherness we can offer to all around us, the same peace and togetherness we share with all of you! Feliz Navidad!                                                    ~ Pastor Valleskey
Above you see the girls in Pulticub. Pastor shared the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth with Bible posters, we ate chicken mole made by the mother of the girls, and later we destroyed a pinata.

Below are more glimpses of our celebration at church: Our mini Christmas tree was decorated by teens who come to church. The red table cloth was donated by a town member. Pastor shared his wood nativity set. A teen made the sheep to bring cheer to different areas of the church for Christmas events. Also pictured is a scene from the Pastorela. Children played Adam and Eve and Satan depicting the fall into sin... later to be followed by the salvation story. A baby from church played baby Jesus in a manger that was built by pastor and some teen boys.
We enjoyed multiple pinata experiences at church after the Pastorela (kids’ program) and Posada (adult and child Christmas fellowship).
Blessings from the team here for continued celebrations of the Savior’s birth in the new year!
Online donations may be made at www.Costamayaministries.org or by check payable to
Costa Maya Ministries and mailed
c/o Fred Starck
2818 Jennifer Lane
Johnsburg, IL 60051
Copyright © *2020* *Costa Maya Ministries,* All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2818 Jennifer Lane
Johnsburg, IL 60051

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