Salem Vacation Bible School 2020

READY, SET, GOLD!  is the theme for this summer's Vacation Bible School June 15-19 from 9:00-11:30 am.  We will focus on how God gives us victory over sin, death, and the devil.  Children who are age 3- entering grade 6 in the fall of 2020 are welcome to attend.  Registration information will be coming soon.

Many volunteers (teens and adults) are needed to make this week run smoothly.  Volunteers will be needed for classroom teachers, crafts, decorations, games, afternoon fun camp leaders, assistants in all areas, food and craft donations, set up, clean up, and assisting with Thursday family night.  If you are willing to assist in any of these areas or have ideas on how you can help please contact Mrs. Debbie Hansen  or Pastor Brohn at

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