January School News

Christmas Break

The students are on Christmas Break from December 24th until January 2nd. School resumes on January 3rd.

School Registrations for 2019

January is a time to reset our enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year. Current school families and Salem families may register for school starting on January 3 (watch for a re-enrollment email from TADS in January. Preschool families will receive theirs first). New families may register starting on January 22, the day of our school Open House. The Board of Education has set the registration fees for the 2019-2020 school year at $150 for preschool and $250 for grades K-8 with a discounted price for preschool of $75 and for grades K-8 of $150 if registration is paid by March 1. The discounted price is set to encourage families to register early so that we can budget more accurately for the next school year’s needs.

Open House/Visit Salem Day

Salem Lutheran School will have an Open House/Visit Salem Day on Tuesday, January 22. Times of the Open House are 9:30-11:00 a.m. and  6:00-7:30 p.m. Families that are interested in enrolling at Salem next year are encouraged to attend the Open House and receive information and a tour of the building. The morning times will let visitors see what the school is like with students in the classrooms. Staff members will be available in the morning and evening sessions to meet with prospective families and answer questions about Salem Lutheran School. Please encourage any families you know that may be interested in Salem to attend the Open House. For more information they may call the school office at 651-439-7831, visit our website at www.salemlutheran.org, or email us at school.office@salemlutheran.org.

Messy Mondays

Our first Messy Monday will be held on January 14th from 6pm to 7pm at Salem. All families with children ages 2-5 are welcome to attend. Families will be charged $5 per child that attends and an activity or craft will be planned for the event. If you know of someone who is looking for a preschool or kindergarten for next year, please invite them. This is a wonderful opportunity to have them see our school and meet our awesome teachers. There are postcards for you to hand out in the church lobby or school office, if you would rather invite people that way.

MAP Testing

Our winter round of MAP testing will begin at the end of January. The students will take three tests to see how much they have grown from the beginning of the school year in math, reading, and language skills. This is one of the ways the teachers assess how the students are learning and growing throughout the year. Please make sure your child has no appointments scheduled so their testing is not interrupted. Thank you!

Minnesota Institute of Art Field Trip

Kindergarten through 8th grade will have the opportunity to go to the Minnesota Institute of Art on January 17th through the Art Adventure Program. The students will get to see the Egyptian artifacts and art that the institute has on display. They will also have some time to look at the other art and displays while we are there. We have had volunteers come to teach our art classes about the Egyptians and do some activities with the students to prepare them for this visit. A big THANK YOU to Elaine Kannas and Jenny Bye for organizing the Art Adventure this year.

Ways to Help Our School

We are still collecting Boxtops for Education and aluminum cans. Please remember to check the date on the Boxtops for Education as they do expire. These can be placed in the bin at the school door entrance. Aluminum cans can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property.  We are no longer collecting inkjet cartridges!

SCRIP Orders

We are enhancing our current SCRIP program to allow you to order your SCRIP on your own if you choose.  We will still do regular orders on the 2nd & 4th Monday mornings, but, now you have the option to place your own order online.  The other change will be a flat 5% fee for shipping on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders.  For example, if you earn $5.00 from your order, Salem will keep $.25 to cover any costs. We are also offering to apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition.  We are also adding an option to direct your profits to church.  We are excited about the changes and hope you are as well.  Contact any SPTO member or the church office for more information.


One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings on our school year.

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