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Path of Peace Christmas
Would you like to hear the story of Christmas told in a unique way? This Saturday at 5 PM we'll take a multimedia journey to The First Christmas. Our worship team will lead us in some powerful, yet familiar Christmas songs. We will have a chance to hear four individuals describe how God used them to change the world.

Christmas Eve--Service of Lessons & Carols
This time of year is the darkest we face. Sometimes our lives mirror that darkness. Let's learn a little more about the light in the darkness that brings hope to Christmas. Candlelight services at 5 & 11 PM.

Christmas Day
Christmas is a day for family and for celebrating. We'd love to have you celebrate with our Salem family as we thank God for the greatest gift of all--our Savior, Jesus. We gather at 10 AM, with a special Christmas carol sing beginning at 9:40 AM

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