From the Principal

From the Principal’s Desk
October, 2017

We are off to a great start at Salem Lutheran School this year.  Great students.  Excellent staff.  Supportive and caring parents.  Fantastic facilities.  Scrumptious hot lunches (guess what I enjoy!). Enthusiastic participation in sports, choir, and band.  These are things that any school would be hoping or wishing that they could have in their own school.  Are all these things what makes Salem Lutheran School special?  Is there something else that makes us special?

Most definitely there is!  Salem Lutheran School’s mission statement is “Equipping the soul, mind and body for a lifetime and beyond in Christ”.   All schools have the goal of equipping the mind and body of a student for a successful lifetime.  This is what is expected from a school.  Note the first thing mentioned in Salem’s mission statement was “equipping the soul”.  The soul?  YES!  Training and educating a student in God’s Word is a primary focus for Salem Lutheran School.  It is the reason the school was founded in 1974.  This point was emphasized at our Grandparent’s Day celebration. The following verse from Proverbs reinforces the need for Christian education:  “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”, Proverbs 22:6.  Parents and family members have the primary God-given privileges and responsibilities of bringing up their children in God’s Word.  Salem does all it can to assist in this purpose of bringing up children in God’s Word.   That’s why we celebrate the family here at Salem.  We are partners in the goal of equipping your child’s soul, mind, and body for a lifetime and beyond in Christ.  This is our purpose and we thank you for trusting us to share this responsibility of bringing up your child in God’s Word.

Roger Zolldan
Principal, Salem Lutheran School

Grandparent’s Day
A big thank you to Kari Hoien for planning and organizing Grandparent’s Day.  We also thank the many parents and friends who generously gave of their time to buy materials, organize and set up the school for the event, worked the various duties needed to make the day go smoothly, and did all of this with a smile and a caring heart. Thank you also to the school staff for their extra efforts in preparing Grandparent’s Day and making it run smoothly.   Thank you to the students by sharing your songs at the Chapel Service, helping get the rooms ready by moving tables and chairs.  Your efforts helped to make this event a wonderful family celebration.

Communications are important to the school and family.  Some of you have had trouble signing up for the Salem Blog.  If you go the Salem website ( and go to the the school picture, you will get to the school site.  At the top right you will see “parent portal”.  Click on this and you will be on the Salem blog.

The school staff also felt it was important that we give parents/families suggestion on what can be done at home to help your child be successful at school.  We are providing you with a “Home & School connection” monthly newsletter. We hope that this information will be helpful for you.

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