Be sure to join us Sunday with your favorite dish to share at the Harvest Cook Out immediately following the late Sunday Worship service. Hamburgers and Hot dogs provided! Bounce house and other games! Fun for all!
Our last Messy Monday will be held tonight from 6-7 pm at Salem. All families with children ages 2-5 are welcome to attend. Families will be charged $5 per child that attends and an activity or craft will be planned for the event. If you know of someone who is looking for a preschool or kindergarten for next year, please invite them. This is a wonderful opportunity to have them see our school and meet our awesome teachers.
Dear Parents, We wanted to make you aware of the safety drills that we participate in for the safety of our students and staff at Salem. Your student may mention these so we wanted to make you aware of them as well. We will be participating in 2 different types of lockdown drills with your children. The first type of lockdown is called a Lockdown with Warning. This would be used if there is a threat outside of the building. We would remain in our classroom with the doors locked, blinds pulled and no outdoor play with minimal travel in the halls especially by the main doors. We would continue with our schedule as planned without outside movement. If it would be at the end of the day, we would keep your children safe here at school and not release them until the threat was gone. We would communicate this with parents through email or phone call as needed. The second kind of lockdown drill is a Lockdown with Intruder. We have set protocols to follow which include locking our classr
Registration for Preschool Next School Year Preschool classes are filling fast. Classes are filled on a first come, first served basis. You have the choice of which days you would like your child to come. There’s a minimum attendance of 3 half days up to 5 full days. The cost is $30 for half day, $40 for a full day. Tours will be scheduled individually for those interested. If you have any questions you can call 651-439-7831 and talk to Jane Grobe. If you know of any 2-4 year olds looking for a preschool, please refer them to our website for registration information and for requesting a tour. Thermometer Update We will no longer require students and guests to take their temperature when they enter school. The face thermometer will be available in the office if anyone would like to check in the morning or if teachers need to check this throughout the day. We are asking parents to check their child's temperature at home before sending them to school if they