Cross Country Meet

On Wednesday, October 18th, Salem students in Grades 5-8 are invited to participate in a cross country meet at Maple Heights Park in Maplewood at 1 pm.  If your child(ren) are planning to attend, please let Mr. Collins know. Students that wish to participate will be dismissed from school at 12:15 pm. and return by 3:30 pm.  They will be able to eat hot lunch before they leave. Parents, let Mr. Collins know if you are able to drive or if your student needs a ride.

Students participating in the cross country meet should be dressed for the weather, which is predicted to be 70 and sunny. Suggested clothing is athletic shorts, jersey (provided by Salem), running shoes, and a light coat/sweatshirt.  No jeans, please.  Students should also bring a water bottle and possibly a snack for after the run.  Let's go Saints!

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