Salem Volleyball News

This past Sunday, the Salem B-girls volleyball team had the opportunity to play in a tournament at West Lutheran High School. They started out the tournament with a strong showing in the pool play, winning every one of their games and only losing one match during those wins. Our fourth graders, Ellie and Kayden, both had phenomenal serves and scored several points for the team. The girls were working hard and in what was, for many of them, their first volleyball tournament. The Saints were given the #1 seed in their pool and received a bye in the championship bracket. Our first game during the bracket play was against King of Grace and it was a close match. The Saints lost the first match by a close margin but managed to pull off a win in the second. The third match was still close but King of Grace ended up winning by just a few points. This placed us in the fight for third place. Our opponents, Holy Trinity, had a great team but we had girls that were not going to give up. We had great leadership from our older players and we won the first match by two points. Holy Trinity rallied and won the second match. The third match we found our second wind and started to serve well and even set up a bump-set-spike! The Saints found the win and took home the third place trophy! Great attitudes and perseverance are what the girls credited for giving them the will to keep pushing on even when sweaty and tired.

Mrs. Calla Schoch

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