Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures

Salem Lutheran is a busy and active place with many people coming and going each day. With your careful help, we would like to keep the safety of our children a top priority. Here are some procedures we ask your help with throughout the school year for drop-off and pick-up here at Salem.

Before School Drop-off
The driveway in front of the school is intended for bus and car drop-off. The parking lots should be used for cars that will be parked for any length of time, whether attended or unattended. Please do not PARK in the driveway in front of the school. If you think it may take some time and assistance to exit the vehicle, please park and walk in with your children. Please be mindful of the buses that will be dropping off children in the morning so you do not block their access to the driveway. The upper driveway in front of the church doors is available for parking to walk preschoolers into the building in the AM only.

After School Pick-up
The K-8 children will be escorted outside by the teachers to the school door entrance if they will be picked up that day. All bus students will be taken to the driveway in front of church to load the shuttle bus which takes them to St. Croix Catholic for their bus transfer. Do not park in the upper driveway at the end of the school day. This area is for bus pick-up only!

Thank you for helping us make this a safe place for your children. Please call the school office if you have any questions or concerns.

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