Update on Teacher Calls and Reminders

Dear Salem Parents,

Last night at our congregational call meeting, our voters called two teachers. Mrs. Kathy Miller, currently serving at St. John Lutheran School in Dakota, MN, was called to teach our kindergarten class next year. Mr. Jon Kulhanek, currently serving at Bay Pines Lutheran School in Seminole, FL, was called to teach in our 5th-8th grade and as Music Director next school year. Please keep both teachers in your prayers as they deliberate where best to serve the Lord with the abilities he has given them.

Please note there is no Chess Club or Kamera Kids meeting in the month of December. We need to continue our attempt to keep classrooms separated and are hoping this helps.

There are two services this week being held in our church sanctuary. Wednesday at 4 pm is the Advent service that the K-1 children will share their Christmas message. The Youth Program at Salem is serving dinner after this service. Thursday at 6 pm is the Preschool Christmas service. We are asking for only immediate family members to attend this service. There will be a bake sale before and after both of those services.

If you have baked goods for us to offer at the bake sales, please drop these off at the cart near the school office.

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