Some Notes for the Week

1) There has been an additional meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 15 at 6:00 pm for anyone who hasn't been able to attend the informational meetings on the tuition model change for next year. Please come, hear details, and ask any questions you may have! It will be held in the church sanctuary.

2) Our last Advent service is this Wednesday, December 15 at 4:00 pm. Our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade classes will be sharing their message for Christmas. A sloppy joe dinner will be served after. Our last bake sale will be held before and after this service as well. If you have bake sale goods, please drop them off at the school office. Thank you to all who have contributed wonderful baked goods!

3) Mrs. Hasselquist has canceled Kamera Kids meeting on Friday, December 17. In January, she will want to see Christmas-themed pictures of clear shots, good subject matter, one point of interest, and uncluttered background.

4) Here is a message from SPTO regarding the cancellation of tonight's scheduled meeting and more:

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your support this year. We are canceling tonight's SPTO meeting. We look forward to meeting again in the new year.

Four things that are good to know.

If you are interested in making a year-end donation, we are fundraising for a PA system. Please prayerfully consider.

We appreciate your contributions to the bake sale. The bake sale ends this week. The treats have been delicious and all proceeds go towards the PA system.

We are looking for volunteers to plan Parents Night Out. We will begin meeting in January. Please reach out to Tina Thompson, if you are interested in helping plan.

New this year! SPTO has a Parent Lead assigned to each classroom. The goal is to build community and deepen relationships. What does that look like? As an example, the second-grade class enjoyed an all-class, parent-facilitated, sledding party. It was great to see so many parents and kiddos. A special thanks to the parents who provided hot cocoa and cookies. All grades, be on the lookout as the Parent Lead has or will be facilitating an activity by grade.

Have a safe and enjoyable Christmas break. God bless.


SPTO team

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