Reminders Before the Long Weekend

 Dear Salem Parents,

Here are some notes and reminders!

1) We need lunch volunteers every day. The time needed is approximately 11-1:30 pm every day. Call or visit the school office to sign up on our lunch helper calendar. Thanks so much for your help!

2) There is a new website ready for our families to order Salem apparel from Heritage Embroidery & Design. The web store is open now through NEXT WEDNESDAY (9/8/21) at 11 PM! Just use this link to order:

Orders will come by the end of September to our school and will be sent home with your child.

3) To welcome our new teachers to our Salem Family, we would like to have a gift card shower for them. Daniel Bredendick is our new 5th and 6th-grade teacher. Tom and Michelle Stob are our new 3rd and 5th-8th grade teachers. This is a great opportunity for us to welcome our new teachers with special gifts. Please drop off any gift cards at the school office by Friday, September 10th.

4) We have a parent that is in urgent need of childcare for an 8 yr old boy on Tuesdays until about 7:30 or 8:00 pm after school every week. Please contact the school office if you can help and want more information.

5) NO SCHOOL tomorrow (9/3) and Monday (9/6) for the Labor Day weekend.

Have a safe and blessed long weekend!

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