Summer Skills Books

Dear Salem Parents,

We are again offering to order Summer Skills Books for those families that like to use them over the summer months. Sample books can be viewed in the school office. Please place your order by May 7th or feel free to view and order these directly on their website.

Here is more information from the Summer Skills Team:

Summer-slide is something every teacher is concerned about. Taking three months away from school sets students back when they return in the fall, and that’s in a typical year. According to a study from research firm McKinsey and Company, the pandemic has put students anywhere from 4-12 months behind, and we aren’t even finished with the challenges of the last year. 

Thankfully, the Summer Skills series of books is designed to strengthen skills and reinforce lessons learned. With a variety of subjects for students from kindergarten through 12th grade, there is a way for every student to bounce back from a difficult year and head into next fall more prepared.
Here is why millions have purchased our books:
  • Focused subject matter. Each book deals with only one area of study, placing maximum emphasis on skills related to that subject.

  • Mixed skills approach. Our books are not repetitive or drill-focused like others on the market. Instead, we give students practice in a variety of skills in each lesson. This approach keeps students engaged and improves long-term retention.
  • Portable and easy to use. You don’t need a computer, or even a desk, to use the Summer Skills books. With convenient spiral bindings, they are easy to use anywhere. Which means students are not adding more screen time to their summer. Each book has just the right content to get the job done.
  • Standards-based content. Summer Skills books support the Common Core Curriculum and the standards of all 50 states. The books keep students on task by targeting skills most in need of reinforcement.
  • Build student confidence. Whether students need a simple review or remedial help, our books send them back to school prepared and confident.
  • Affordably priced. For the approximate price of two movie tickets you can give a student a summer of continued learning.
  • Backed by outstanding service. Summer Skills takes pride in offering exceptional customer service. We encourage teachers to call us with questions, suggestions or comments about the books and their content. Please call—we love talking with our customers!
Summer Skills would like to be part of the solution and remind you that our Summer Skills review books can be ordered online and shipped directly to students’ homes.
Please order online at our website or email us any questions you might have. Feel free to call us at 800-411-8186.
Our distribution center remains fully operational supporting the students of our nation.
The Summer Skills Team
Resources for students, parents and educators

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